The Healing Room (Remote Healing)

The Healing Room (Remote Healing) offers ongoing, 24/7, distant energy healing to release stress and enhance your well-being, joy, abundance and success as a highly-sensitive, spiritual, intuitive and creative person.


Complete Experience  …. €280 (10 months for the price of 8)
To purchase please click here.

Rolling Monthly Subscription …. €35/month (minimum 3 months, maximum 10 months)
To purchase please click here.
Cancel at any time. No refunds for payments already made.

** REGISTER HERE for your FREE 15 day Trial**




The Healing Room (Remote Healing) offers you a simple and easy way to enhance your emotional, mental and spiritual well-being, be in the flow of your own potential and open up to the abundance, ease, joy, freedom and success that is meaningful to you.

This healing space offers highly-sensitive, spiritual, intuitive and creative people, who are feeling stressed, drained or overwhelmed, or who are struggling to move forward in a way that’s aligned for them, a healing environment and energetic support to return to their own flow, reconnect with their life-force and vitality, and open up to their potential, gifts and purpose.

It offers multi-dimensional energy healing in a completely new way – bringing in healing at a 5D level so that it can becomes so much easier and simpler to experience healing at a 3D level.

As you relax and go about your day, your energy is bathed in Frequencies of Light, nurtured by Beings of Light, and supported to come into a new experience of your own authentic flow and alignment.

As your energy responds to the Frequencies of Light, blocks, misalignments and dissonances that are held in your field start to release. Your vibration lifts and you’ll start to feel lighter, more at ease in your body and better able to cope with life’s stresses.

Your own inner wisdom and your higher consciousness amplify your connection with Source and direct the Light and healing energies to wherever you need it most, in your body, mind, emotions and spirit, so that you can grow and evolve in your human life experience.

It is common to experience:

  • feeling calmer, more relaxed and at ease
  • better sleep, increased health and vitality
  • improved clarity and confidence
  • increased trust in your intuition
  • increased optimism and synchronicities
  • better relationships, including attracting more clients and customers
  • increased financial abundance and openness to receive
  • increased clarity and confidence
  • moving forward more easily
  • and many other benefits.

Those who can benefit the most from receiving the remote healing of The Healing Room are highly-sensitive, spiritual, intuitive and creative people who love personal and spiritual growth, and love to work at the level of  5th dimensional energy, frequency and consciousness.

It’s not for anyone who wants a quick fix (or who wants to be fixed), who isn’t willing to consciously engage with the healing and teaching, or who isn’t open to personal and spiritual growth.


These are some of the testimonials shared by people who have experienced The Healing Room:

“I can’t thank you enough Janine for creating this healing room. It’s vibration is very beautiful and very effective.”

“It feels to me like that time when i first rode an e-bike and turned the battery on when i was struggling to ride uphill by myself – nice gentle support, like having someone gently and with care helping me to continue to go forward.”

“My finances have improved!”

“I feel that I have experienced a fundamental shift into being authentically me.”

“The healing room is incredible Janine! It feels like a very real space. I love it!! I  consciously go there at night or in the mornings just to experience the beautiful energy field!”

“I have been aware of being in the ‘healing room’ and it’s felt like I’m receiving guidance and finding it easier to tune in to my own intuition.”

“One morning I woke up and it felt like that late night dinner had not digested. I consciously went into the healing room and asked for some relief before I got up. It really was amazing what happened and so beautiful! My whole system calmed down, not just my stomach. And I relaxed so much I fell into a deep sleep.”

“A new client has just reached out and asked to work with me!”

“I love The Healing Room. I really love being there and I love talking with the Beings of Light – I always get what I ask for.”


After subscribing to The Healing Room, you’ll receive an email each week for up to 10 months, supporting you to stay connected with the healing frequencies and Beings of Light, and to support you as you move forward on your healing journey. 

(If you haven’t yet received your free Trial, please REGISTER HERE.)


Complete Experience  …. €280 (10 months for the price of 8)
To purchase please click here.
Saving €70 on the monthly option.

Rolling Monthly Subscription …. €35/month (minimum 3 months, maximum 10 months)
To purchase please click here.
Cancel at any time. No refunds for payments already made.


Please note

** With the rolling monthly option, after the first 3 months you can easily cancel at any time. No refunds for payments already made. **

** The Healing Room (Remote Healing) Membership is available at the level of energy, frequency and vibration. There is no physical or online product and you will receive a weekly email to stay in touch. **



The Healing Room (Remote Healing) Subscription is intended for energetic support and education, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness, disease or injury to the body. It is not a substitute for medical care. Anyone suffering from any illness, disease or injury should seek qualified professional healthcare. It is also not a substitute for professional financial, business, or legal advice. anyone struggling in these areas should seek the appropriate qualified professional advice.